Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Yesterday, Mom asked me to call Dad and my little brother to dinner when they were outside with Oreo and Button. So I open the door and say, "Come to dinner!"
Dad and my brother got up and started walking towards the door, and so did Button as if he understood me! It was funny.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


This blog is about all the funny and crazy things that my five cats do, but first, I want to tell you a little bit about them.
So, a while back, there wa this cat in our backyard and it kept hanging around, then one day I was walking around our pool and I saw two kittens. Well, it wasn't the first time that this had happened, it was actually the fourth time, but that's another story, so I went and told Mom, and eventually we caught them all, got them fixed and put all the kittens in an empty room to tame them and let the mama go. So after we tamed them, we released them into the backyard but they still hung around since they liked us, but we couldn't find anyone to take them like we had with the previous litters. So we kept them.
So that's how we got them, now about the cats themselves.

a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi2ZMAXFLRYHaKHtqhVXCTpuSTqVCRjNzeZLLgCoh2mAfx5Ob6u4Qhqh6zzYIYDgEUMdjdIUjNDudXqiKkqNwX4Yuquq_OV46Tba3yvk2cTT3I4o3MCwWuzze8jCsld3ZU-khHWGJIqGhY/s1600/Oreo+6.JPG">

Oreo is the dominant male of the litter, and he is incredibly fluffy and cute, and he totally loves the camera.
Next is Button.

We call him Button, because he has a button. He is the only other boy, and is very lovable and nice.

She is shy, so I couldn't get a very good picture of her. She acts like the mother of the group, and is very silky and pretty.

She is also shy, and not a cuddly type. However, if she gets to know you, she is a loyal little friend. I couldn't get very good pictures of her, sorry.

She is the runt, but is very sweet and affectionate, and loves to rub against you and meow. She likes to follow me and Mom, which can sometimes get annoying like once when I was walking over to my neighbor's house to take care of their DOG.

Well, I think that's it! Hope you enjoy this blog, and be sure to check out my main blog at www.totallyhorsecrazy.blogspot.com